Program objectives, outcomes, co-curricular and assessment methods. B. Com Computer applications |
1. Aim and objectives of B. Com program:
The B. Com programme aims to make the students employable and self employment oriented (Self
employable). It aims to make the students learn the writing and interpretation of books of accounts,
be conversant with the financial and economic environment and acquire the management skills
required to manage the business.
2. Learning outcomes of B. Com:
This program could provide Industries, Banking Sectors, Insurance Companies, Financing companies, Transport Agencies, Warehousing etc., well trained professionals to meet the requirements.
After completing graduation, students can get skills regarding various aspects like Marketing Manager, Selling Manager, over all Administration abilities of the Company.
Capability of the students to make decisions at personal & professional level will increase after completion of this course. Students can independently start up their own Business.
Students can get thorough knowledge of finance and commerce.
The knowledge of different specializations in Accounting, costing, banking and finance with the practical exposure helps the students to stand in organization.
3. Recommended Skill enhancement courses: (Titles of the courses given below and details of the syllabus for 4 credits (i.e., 2 units for theory and Lab/Practical) for 5 hrs class-cum-lab work.
4. Recommended Co-curricular activities:(Co-curricular Activities should not promote copying from text book or from others’ work and shall encourage self/independent and group learning)
A. Measurable:
1. Assignments on:
2. Student seminars (Individual presentation of Courses) on topics relating to:
3. Quiz Programmes on:
4. Individual Field Studies/projects:
5. Group discussion on:
6. Group/Team Projects on:
B Computer applications
1. Collection of news reports and maintaining a record of Course-cuttings relating to topics covered in syllabus .
2. Group Discussions on: Subject related matters.
3. Watching TV discussions and preparing summary points recording personal observations etc., under guidance from the Lecturers.
4. Any similar activities with imaginative thinking.
5. Recommended Continuous Assessment methods:
Some of the following suggested assessment methodologies could be adopted;
1. The oral and written examinations (Scheduled and surprise tests).
2. Closed-book and open-book tests.
3. Coding exercises.
4. Practical assignments and laboratory reports.
5. Observation of practical skills.
6. Individual and group project reports.
7. Efficient delivery using seminar presentations.
8. Viva voce interviews.
9. Computerized adaptive testing, literature surveys and evaluations.
10. Peers and self-assessment, outputs form individual and collaborative work.
Program objectives, outcomes, co-curricular and assessment methods. B. Com General |
1. Aim and objectives of B. Com program:
The B. Com programme aims to make the students employable and self employment oriented (Self
employable). It aims to make the students learn the writing and interpretation of books of accounts,
be conversant with the financial and economic environment and acquire the management skills
required to manage the business.
2. Learning outcomes of B. Com:
This program could provide Industries, Banking Sectors, Insurance Companies, Financing companies, Transport Agencies, Warehousing etc., well trained professionals to meet the requirements.
After completing graduation, students can get skills regarding various aspects like Marketing Manager, Selling Manager, over all Administration abilities of the Company.
Capability of the students to make decisions at personal & professional level will increase after completion of this course. Students can independently start up their own Business.
Students can get thoroB.Comh knowledge of finance and commerce.
The knowledge of different specializations in Accounting, costing, banking and finance with the practical exposure helps the students to stand in organization.
3. Recommended Skill enhancement courses: (Titles of the courses given below and details of the syllabus for 4 credits (i.e., 2 units for theory and Lab/Practical) for 5 hrs class-cum-lab work.
4. Recommended Co-curricular activities:(Co-curricular Activities should not promote copying from text book or from others’ work and shall encourage self/independent and group learning)
A. Measurable:
1. Assignments on:
2. Student seminars (Individual presentation of Courses) on topics relating to:
3. Quiz Programmes on:
4. Individual Field Studies/projects:
5. Group discussion on:
6. Group/Team Projects on:
B General
1. Collection of news reports and maintaining a record of Course-cuttings relating to topics covered in syllabus .
2. Group Discussions on: Subject related matters.
3. Watching TV discussions and preparing summary points recording personal observations etc., under guidance from the Lecturers.
4. Any similar activities with imaginative thinking.
5. Recommended Continuous Assessment methods:
Some of the following sB.Comgested assessment methodologies could be adopted;
1. The oral and written examinations (Scheduled and surprise tests).
2. Closed-book and open-book tests.
3. Coding exercises.
4. Practical assignments and laboratory reports.
5. Observation of practical skills.
6. Individual and group project reports.
7. Efficient delivery using seminar presentations.
8. Viva voce interviews.
9. Computerized adaptive testing, literature surveys and evaluations.
10. Peers and self-assessment, outputs form individual and collaborative work.
Program objectives, outcomes, co-curricular and assessment methods
1. Aim and objectives of UG program in Subject:
To align with emerging and employment areas.
2. Learning outcomes of Subject
Semester – 1: Mechanics, Waves & Oscillations:
On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
Understand Newton’s laws of motion and motion of variable mass system and its application to rocket motion and the concepts of impact parameter, scattering cross section.
Apply the rotational kinematic relations, the principle and working of gyroscope and itapplications and the processional motion of a freely rotating symmetric top.
Comprehend the general characteristics of central forces and the application of Kepler’s laws to describe the motion of planets and satellite in circular orbit through the study of law of Gravitation.
Understand postulates of Special theory of relativity and its consequences such as length contraction, time dilation, relativistic mass and mass-energy equivalence.
Examine phenomena of simple harmonic motionand the distinction between undamped, damped and forced oscillations and the concepts of resonance and quality factor with reference to damped harmonic oscillator.
Appreciate the formulation of the problem of coupled oscillations and solve them to obtain normal modes of oscillation and their frequencies in simple mechanical systems.
Figure outthe formation of harmonics and overtones in a stretched string and acquire the knowledge on Ultrasonic waves, their production and detection and their applications in different fields.
Semester – 2: Wave Optics:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Understand the phenomenon of interference of light and its formation in (i) Lloyd’s single mirror due to division of wave front and (ii) Thin films, Newton’s rings and Michelson interferometer due to division of amplitude.
Distinguish between Fresnel’s diffraction and Fraunhoffer diffraction and observe the diffraction patterns in the case of single slit and the diffraction grating.
Describe the construction and working of zone plate and make the comparison of zone plate with convex lens.
Explain the various methods of production of plane, circularly and polarized light and their detection and the concept of optical activity..
Comprehend the basic principle of laser, the working of He-Ne laser and Ruby lasers and their applications in different fields.3
Explain about the different aberrations in lenses and discuss the methods of minimizing them.
Understand the basic principles of fibreoptic communication andexplore the field of
Holography and Nonlinear optics and their applications.
Semester – 3 : Heat and Thermodynamics:
On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Understand the basic aspects of kinetic theory of gases, Maxwell-Boltzman distribution law, equipartition of energies, mean free path of molecular collisions and the transport phenomenon in ideal gases
Gain knowledge on the basic concepts of thermodynamics, the first and the second law of thermodynamics, the basic principles of refrigeration,the concept of entropy,the thermodynamic potentials and their physical interpretations.
Understand the working of Carnot’s ideal heat engine, Carnot cycle and its efficiency
Develop critical understanding of concept of Thermodynamic potentials, the formulation of Maxwell’s equations and its applications.
Differentiate between principles and methods to produce low temperature and liquefy air and also understand the practical applications of substances at low temperatures.
Examine the nature of black body radiations and the basic theories.
Semester – 4 : Electricity, Magnetism and Electronics:
On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
Understand the Gauss law and its application to obtain electric field in different cases and formulate the relationship between electric displacement vector, electric polarization, Susceptibility, Permittivity and Dielectric constant.
Distinguish between the magnetic effect of electric current and electromagnetic induction and apply the related laws in appropriate circumstances.
Understand Biot and Savart’s law and Ampere’s circuital law to describe and explain the generation of magnetic fields by electrical currents.
Develop an understanding on the unification of electric and magnetic fields and Maxwell’s equations governing electromagnetic waves.
Phenomenon of resonance in LCR AC-circuits, sharpness of resonance,Q- factor,Power factor and the comparative study of series and parallel resonant circuits.
Describe the operation of p-n junction diodes, zener diodes, light emitting diodes and transistors
Understand the operation of basic logic gates and universal gates and their truth tables.
Semester – 4: Modern Physics :
On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
Develop an understanding on the concepts of Atomic and Modern Physics, basic elementary quantum mechanics and nuclear physics.
Develop critical understanding of concept of Matter waves and Uncertainty principle.
Get familiarized with the principles of quantum mechanics and the formulation of Schrodinger wave equation and its applications.
Examine the basic properties of nuclei, characteristics of Nuclear forces, salient features of Nuclear models and different nuclear radiation detectors.
Classify Elementary particles based on their mass, charge, spin, half life and interaction.
Get familiarized with the nano materials, their unique properties and applications.
Increase the awareness and appreciation of superconductors and their practical applications.
3. Recommended Skill enhancement courses: (Titles of the courses given below and details of the syllabus for 4 credits (i.e., 2 units for theory and Lab/Practical) for 5 hrs class-cum-lab work
——————– NO —————————–
4. Recommended Co-curricular activities:(Co-curricular Activities should not promote copying from text book or from others’ work and shall encourage self/independent and group learning)
A. Measurable:
1. Assignments on:
2. Student seminars (Individual presentation of Courses) on topics relating to:
Quiz Programmes on: RIndividual Field Studies/projects: Motion of Rocket,SHM applications
3. Group discussion on:
4. Group/Team Projects on:
B General
1. Collection of news reports and maintaining a record of Course-cuttings relating to topics covered in syllabus
2. Group Discussions on:
3. Watching TV discussions and preparing summary points recording personal observations etc., under guidance from the Lecturers
4. Any similar activities with imaginative thinking.
5. Recommended Continuous Assessment methods:
Program objectives, outcomes, co-curricular and assessment methods BSc/BA MATHEMATICS |
1. Aim and objectives of UG program in Subject: MATHEMATICS In this course UG program, student will learn the higher mathematics topics to enable to learn and solve problems in different fields.
2. Learning outcomes of Subject (in consonance with the Bloom’s Taxonomy):
After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to
1. Solving linear differential equations.
2. Understand the concept and apply appropriate methods for solving differential equations.
3. Recommended Skill enhancement courses: (Titles of the courses given below and details of the syllabus for 4 credits (i.e., 2 units for theory and Lab/Practical) for 5 hrs class-cum-lab work NIL
4. Recommended Co-curricular activities:(Co-curricular Activities should not promote copying from text book or from others’ work and shall encourage self/independent and group learning)
A. Measurable:
1. Assignments on: different topics of the subject.
2. Student seminars (Individual presentation of Courses) on topics relating to:Mathematics subject.
3. Quiz Programmes on: different units of the course .
4. Individual Field Studies/projects: study projects in different fields
5. Group discussion on: nil
6. Group/Team Projects on: nil
B. General
1. Collection of news reports and maintaining a record of Course-cuttings relating to topics covered in syllabus. Yes
2. Group Discussions on: different areas of the subject
3. Watching TV discussions and preparing summary points recording personal observations etc., under guidance from the Lecturers Yes
4. Any similar activities with imaginative thinking. Nil
5. Recommended Continuous Assessment methods:
Thorough Assignments and seminars on different areas of the course and problem solving sessions in various unit of the course.
Objectives and General Outcomes of Programme and Domain Subject BOTANY
Programme(B.Sc.) Objectives: The objectives of bachelor’s degree programme with Botany are:
1. To provide a comprehensive knowledge on various aspects related to microbes and plants.
2. To deliver knowledge on latest developments in the field of Plant sciences with a practical approach.
3. To produce a student who thinks independently, critically and discuss various aspects of plant life.
4. To enable the graduate to prepare and pass through national and international examinations related to Botany.
5. To empower the student to become an employee or an entrepreneur in the field of Botany /Biology and to serve the nation.
Programme Outcomes :
1. Understand the basic concepts of Botany in relation to its allied core courses.
2. Perceive the significance of microbes and plants for human welfare, and structural and functional aspects of plants.
3. Demonstrate simple experiments related to plant sciences, analyze data, and interpret them with the theoretical knowledge.
4. Work in teams with enhanced inter-personal skills.
5. Develop the critical thinking with scientific temper.
6. Effectively communicate scientific ideas both orally and in writing.
Domain Subject(Botany) Objectives :
1. To impart knowledge on origin, evolution, structure, reproduction and interrelationships of microbes and early plant groups.
2. To provide knowledge on biology and taxonomy of true land plants within a phylogenetic framework.
3. To teach aspects related to anatomy, embryology and ecology of plants, and importance of Biodiversity.
4. To explain the structural and functional aspects of plants with respect to the cell organelles, chromosomes and genes, and methods of plant breeding.
5. To develop a critical understanding on SPAC, metabolism and growth and development in plants.
6. To enable the students proficient in experimental techniques and methods of analysis appropriate for various sub-courses in Botany.
Domain Subject(Botany) Outcomes:
1. Students will be able to identify, compare and distinguish various groups of microbes and primitive plants based on their characteristics.
2. Students will be able to explain the evolution of trachaeophytes and also distribution of plants on globe.
3. Students will be able to discuss on internal structure, embryology and ecological adaptations of plants, and want of conserving Biodiversity.
4. Students will be able to interpret life processes in plants in relation to physiology and metabolism.
5. Students will be able to describe ultrastructure of plant cells, inheritance and crop improvement methods.
6. Students will independently design and conduct simple experiments based on the knowledge acquired in theory and practicals of the different sub-courses in Botany.
3. Program objectives, outcomes, co-curricular and assessment methods ZOOLOGY
1. Aim and objectives of UG program in Subject:
2. Learning outcomes of Subject (in consonance with the Bloom’s Taxonomy):
3. Recommended Skill enhancement courses: (Titles of the courses given below and details of the syllabus for 4 credits (i.e., 2 units for theory and Lab/Practical) for 5 hrs class- cum-lab work
4. Recommended Co-curricular activities:(Co-curricular Activities should not promote copying from text book or from others’ work and shall encourage self/independent and group learning)
A. Measurable:
1. Assignments on:
2. Student seminars (Individual presentation of papers) on topics relating to:
3. Quiz Programmes on:
4. Individual Field Studies/projects:
5. Group discussion on:
6. Group/Team Projects on:
B General
1. Collection of news reports and maintaining a record of paper-cuttings relating
to topics covered in syllabus
2. Group Discussions on:
3. Watching TV discussions and preparing summary points recording personal
observations etc., under guidance from the Lecturers
4. Any similar activities with imaginative thinking.
5. Recommended Continuous Assessment methods: